The Indian Ministry of Defence and the United States Department of Defence signed a Project Agreement (PA) for Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ALUAV) in 2021, as part of the Joint Working Group Air Systems in the Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI). According to media reports, the first Indo-US collaboration on defence programmes would involve the creation of an Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ALUAV) that can be launched from Transporters such as the C-130 and utilised for electronic support jammer missions.
Once deployed, ALUAV will be able to provide Wide angle coverage for electronic support jamming missions with network-centric warfare (NCW) capabilities before human and unmanned aircraft enter airspace to conduct their missions.
Swarm ALUAVs can be equipped with a variety of payloads for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare. ALUAV Program is still in its early phases of development, but this recoverable UAS by the Motherships is viewed as an unexplored frontier for enforcing Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) in the sky over the enemy line.