The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure 570 Numbers of Logistic Drones for the Indian Army as per the Request for Information (RFI) that was issued.
The Indian Army is seeking Two versions of the Logistic Drones that are envisaged ie Logistic Drones (Standard)(S) for deployment up to 12000 ft and Logistic Drones (High Altitude) (HA) for deployment above 12000 ft.
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Each Logistic Drones should consist of one Aerial Vehicle (AV) per equipment, One Man Portable Ground Control Station (MPGCS), One Remote Video Terminal (RVT), One color day video camera, Monochromatic Night Thermal Sensor.
HA Logistic Drones should support a Payload Carrying Capability of Between 20-40 Kg and S Logistic Drones should support Payload Carrying Capability of Between 40-80 Kg.
HA Logistic Drones should have operational altitudes of 12000-18000 ft above Mean Sea Level with the capability of achieving not less than 500m Above Ground Level (AGL) and S Logistic Drones should have operational altitudes of o 12000 ft above Mean Sea Level with the capability of achieving not less than 500m Above Ground Level (AGL).
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Both versions of Logistic Drones should be compatible with All Defense Series Map and GPS, GLONASS, NAVIC, and IRNSS. All types of maps provided with the system should be upgradeable.
Logistic Drones must be capable to withstand not less than 5000 landings for the High Altitude Version and not less than 10,000 landings for the standard version.